I was recently searching for some new places to swim this summer and figured I have not written about my own personal favourites on the island. I was researching for some that look pretty cool in Vancouver for some upcoming trips to visit some friends. I love that I can text my friends at 10PM and say "this looks cool, you ever been?" and they'll reply rather quick. So if your like me and you want to find some sweet spots here on Vancouver Island, keep on reading. I'm not going to give exact directions, I like to get you guys to figure out the rest sometimes, but you'll have an idea of where it is - I'm just not going into detail. I will link it instead! That's in your hands. I believe in you.

I'm sure you've heard of this one, it's at the end of Buttle Lake. More of a mish but the reward is 100% worth it. This is the lower portion of the falls, where I am in the photo. I've actually had sexy time here once (TMI MAYBE?), but you could never do that now. However to give you an idea of the first time I went - yeah there was hardly anybody there lol. It's pretty well known now. It's cold as hell, glacier fed and just gorgeous. If the forecast is HOT, you'll want to be out here for sure.

I was here recently, but been many times. If you follow the trail on the left side before the bridge you will go up to another set of falls called Gemini (Quincy has a blog on them, I will link that here) It's a really beautiful spot, so many pools to jump in and I heard if you bushwhack there's even more waterfalls. My friend had recently lost her drone up there and I tried to retrieve it. That water is very cold, but on a hot day - wow so refreshing! Bring some cold ones and spend an afternoon up here. That whole South Taylor Main logging road has endless spots to check out waterfalls along the way too!
I have to say I've never actually swam in this water but there is a natural infinity pool before you head down to the base. Some friends I know have swam uptop there and it looked really magical. So I do have plans to get out there this summer and do that. I have been here in all different weather but really thought I could not miss this one as it looks superb in the heat. chefs kiss

This waterfall is amazing, it's right after Sarita Lake heading towards Bamfield. The best way to access this one is on the left side. You can drive mostly all the way on that side. I took my crosstrek there and it was totally managable. I even took stock tires back when I got my crosstrek lol. I jumped off this waterfall, well not the very top - it's slippery AF so I don't recommend that. This place is really awesome to pack some chairs and lounge for the afternoon and swim non-stop.

Your going to laugh at me when I tell you, the first time I went here, I dragged an ex-boyfriend down river to camp here. I think I made him hike down the river for thirty minutes. I had no idea there was an actual trail just off the highway that took maybe 10 minutes. Yeah that relationship didn't last. Go back to the city babe. This girl is meant for the forest. Anyways haha, needless to say don't make that mistake, use the trail and it'll lead you to this beautiful set of falls. I jumped off this waterfall, it was epic. A bunch of boys were doing it, so of course I had to show em up, because well why not - I can be badass too. Please be careful though if you do. It's slippery!

This is road side gem, a little bit of effort is required to get to this one. You park off the Island Highway, head down the bridge and head up river. Careful crossing the rocks and logs, not dog friendly or kid friendly. This water was uunbelieveably warm! My sister and I swam in for so long and it was so refreshing after we spent the day in Comox. It's slippery so be careful (where I am sitting.) The water is SO clear!! Definitely add this one to your list if your in the area!

You have got to go here, if you haven't already. This spot is unreal. So many good ones out here as well. It's a bit steep to get down but honestly it's not bad. Just a bit dry depending on how hot it's been outside. I will say there is not much of a beach to put any of your stuff which is kind of a downfall if you have kids. This water is very cold and mostly shaded everytime I have gone but in the heat again, amazing place to spend an afternoon.
I've gone here several times, one of my favourites actually. It's close by to where I live and I've taken a book and read here plenty. My sister and I brought a floatie which was kind of honestly treacherous. That trail leading down is dry and steep. There's ropes but still it's kind of sketchy. My friend Allyssa and I with Graeson last summer went to the base of these falls. That was one hell of an adventure, I would never recommend this one with a kid. Now that Graeson is a bit bigger, maybe he could do it. Certaintly not when he was a toddler however, that was a bad call on my part. Bring some friends and make a day out of it. There's also a rope swing in the first pool and it's super fun if you like a thrill!

An all time favourite! This is such a freaking epic spot. I've been here several times and even camped here one night. This waterfall is HUGE! It's a mish to get out here and make sure you know where your going. Honestly if you've not been, you have to get out there. This place is unwordly and something about it makes me so happy. The water again, I just love cold clear water - the more blue/green it is the better.

To finish it off, I had to put Nile Creek in here, how can I not? This is a waterfall swimmer's paradise. It's not a super long hike either, your mostly in the shade on a hot day but the waterfalls are endless on the Nile River. You can park your car just off the Island Highway and hike upstream will get you the best ones. I have gone here so many times and jumped off several spots!
I hope you enjoyed this one, I have a few more in my OnlyHikes that I have carefully put together for a small fee of $5 if your into checking some of those more "Hidden Gems" out. I know several more but some are just really cool because there isn't a-lot of people there. So don't ever stop exploring, get out those apps and maps and find some more. I got my eyes on a few new ones that hopefully I'll be able to get to this summer. There's quite a few paddle spots that are pretty sick too. This island is truly paradise and there won't ever be enough time in the world to see it all, but I'm going to try.
See you out there!
Amazing list Alyssa, you do living on the island well <
Thanks for the list! Not having exact directions leaves a little exploring which is nice